A dry dog nose is a cause for concern for many owners. A common misconception is that healthy dogs always have a moist nasal mirror. This is not entirely true. There are often harmless reasons behind a dog’s nasal mirror being dry. However, it can be a sign that an illness is present.
Wet nose in dogs
Your dog’s sense of smell is important to him. His nose is the most important sensory organ. It helps him find food, read tracks and warns him of threats. It even helps him regulate his temperature. The dog’s nose has 200 million olfactory cells and is 40 times more sensitive than the human nose.
That’s why dogs have developed a few tricks to improve their sense of smell. One of them is to keep their nose constantly moist.
Odor particles adhere better to moist surfaces, allowing the dog to perceive its surroundings even better. This fact is the reason why dogs constantly lick their noses. If the mucous membranes of the nose are permanently dry, their sense of smell will no longer work properly. And with it, the regulation of body temperature. You may have already noticed that your dog has a moist nose on hot days or after intensive games or training sessions. Dogs do not have sweat glands like we humans do. The animals have a different system for dissipating heat: they pant and sweat through their nose and paws.
Why? Reasons for a dry dog nose
If your dog has a dry nose, there may be the following reasons:
- Warm room air or hot temperatures
- Sunburn in dogs
- Extensive digging in dry soil
- fluid deficiency or dehydration
- Allergic reaction of the dog
In the following section, we will look at the different causes and their symptoms in more detail to help you make an initial assessment.
Summer phenomenon: The dog has a nose that is dry and warm
When temperatures rise in summer, dogs start to sweat. Unlike humans, they only have sweat glands on their paws and nose. They also regulate their body temperature by panting. Increased panting can lead to the nose no longer being moist and cool, but dry and warm.
Owners should ensure that their pet always has a shady spot available in the summer. This not only protects against a dry nose, but also prevents sunburn or heatstroke in the dog. If the dog in winterIf your nose is not moist, it may be because the air in the room is too dry and warm .
Sunburn in dogs
Dogs can get sunburned just like people. Since the dog’s nose is not covered by protective fur, it can burn when exposed to intense sunlight . Sunburn first becomes noticeable when the nose is dry, warm and red. After a few days, the skin begins to peel.
You can avoid sunburn by finding a shady spot and going for walks when the sun is not so intense. There are also special sun creams for dogs if your four-legged friend is particularly sensitive to UV radiation.
Digging and burrowing cause dry dog noses
If your dog is one of those four-legged friends who loves to dig holes, his nose can quickly become dry. If he does this regularly, he can also get a slightly cracked nose . This is the result of small injuries that are usually completely harmless. A little unscented cream on the nose can quickly remedy the problem.
Poor drinking habits cause dry mucous membranes
Some four-legged friends rarely go to the water bowl by nature. Dogs that are fed dry food and drink little liquid can suffer from dehydration. This causes the mucous membranes to dry out and the dog’s nose to become moist.
Intensive play, exercise or sleep can also cause the body’s water reserves to be used up. As soon as the four-legged friend has drunk, the nose should become moist and cool again after a short time. If the dog drinks less than it needs over a long period of time, a veterinarian should be consulted.
You can easily cover the costs of your dog’s medical treatment with the dog health insurance get a refund from SantéVet.
Allergies in Dogs
Dogs can be allergic to various substances. This can be due to a chemical additive in the cleaning product , but it can also be triggered by certain plastics or metals . If owners notice a dry nose after using a new cleaner or the dog has been given a new bowl, they should replace it.
Allergic reactions to certain proteins in the food can also occur. Such an allergy often also affects digestion or the skin. In this case, you can use an elimination diet to find out which food components your four-legged friend is allergic to.
The dog has a dry nose – symptom of possible diseases
As already mentioned, there are usually harmless reasons that cause a dry dog nose. However, it can also be a sign of illness. If the following symptoms occur, owners should be alert:
- Fever
- diarrhea and vomiting
- loss of appetite
- Pains
Does the dog have a warm nose that is dry for several days and shows one or more of the symptoms mentioned above? Then a visit to the vet is strongly recommended to examine him for possible illnesses. Even if the dog has a dry nose with crusts, he should be examined thoroughly.
It is often difficult to tell if a dog is in pain because dogs tend to hide pain. However, an attentive family will often notice that the dog is suffering.
Autoimmune diseases
If the dog’s dry nose is accompanied by certain symptoms such as pustules, then it may be that the dog is suffering from a skin disease . These diseases include pemphigus foliaceus and discoid lupus . In both cases, a genetic predisposition is the reason for the outbreak. Although the diseases cannot be cured, they can be treated well with appropriate medication by the veterinarian.
Breed-specific hereditary diseases
Some dog breeds are more susceptible to certain diseases than others. These include Golden Retriever. These can suffer from ichthyosis . If the dog is affected, scales form on the dog’s skin, starting on the bridge of the nose.
Familial dermatomyositis only occurs in Collies and Shetland Sheepdogs (Shelties) . In addition to a dry nose, severe changes to the skin such as dandruff, crusting, hair loss and redness occur.
How do you recognize a healthy dog’s nose?
You cannot tell whether a dog is healthy by whether its nose is dry or wet. This condition can change several times a day, depending on external circumstances. The nose of a healthy dog should be free of crusts or pustules . In addition, the nasal secretion of healthy dogs is transparent.
What can you do for your dog?
As you can see, a dry nose is often nothing to worry about. It is not necessary to spend a lot of money to help your pet. There are also many home remedies that can provide relief for a dry dog nose.
cream to prevent cracks
A greasy cream can help treat a dog’s dry nose. Before using products for dry skin, you should read the ingredients to make sure they are safe for dog skin.
Classics are lanolin and Vaseline. If your dog’s paws are dry in winter, it is advisable to also care for its nose. To give the lanolin or Vaseline enough time to work, you can distract your dog with games or treats in the meantime.
Humidifier for more humidity in the room
As already described, dry air can be the trigger. In winter, it is helpful to increase the humidity to make your dog’s nasal mucosa supple again. You don’t necessarily need a humidifier for this. A bowl of water or a wet towel on the heater is enough. In winter and in rainy weather, you should think about regular ventilation.