Puppy nutrition from dry food to BARF

Nutrition of puppies

When the puppy moves in, he doesn’t just want to explore the apartment and get to know his new caregivers. He’s also certainly hungry, because he needs a lot of nutrients to grow. Find out what these are and how to feed a puppy properly here.

The Basics of Puppy Nutrition

What do you need puppies to grow and develop? First of all, there are the three macronutrients that are also essential in the human diet: proteins , carbohydrates and fats . However, in a different weighting.

Proteins are particularly important for dogs . They usually come from meat, but there are alternatives, such as insects. Protein is important for building muscles, fur and healthy growth.

Also noteworthy is the high fat content that puppy food should have. This includes the supply of essential fatty acids. Carbohydrates are not considered essential for the nutrition of dogs, but they are contained in almost all feed. Like fats and proteins, they provide energy. In addition to macronutrients, vitamins and minerals are essential.

These include:

  • Calcium and phosphorus for the formation of bones and teeth
  • Iodine, iron and zinc, because they are involved in various processes in the organism
  • Vitamin A, D, E and many more
  • crude fiber (fiber) because it is important for digestion

The exact composition of the food varies from manufacturer to manufacturer. It is important that you choose a food that has been specially developed for puppies , because it is mixed differently than dog food for adult animals.

Background knowledge: What puppies eat in the first weeks

Before the puppies eat the food that humans offer them, they drink from their mother. The supply of mother’s milk is extremely important for the small dogs. Especially in the first few days, they receive antibodies from their mother in the form of colostrum. The body cannot yet produce its own antibodies at this time. The length of time the bitch continues to suckle varies greatly from individual to individual. Some animals produce milk for many weeks, while in others the amount decreases after just 20 days.

The breeder’s job is to monitor the food intake and to supplement it if necessary. At the beginning, this is done with special puppy milk from the store if necessary. Minced beef is a popular first solid food. The young dogs should be eating independently by the 8th week at the latest. For you as a buyer, it is important in any case that the puppy can already eat independently and is used to its food when it moves in with you.

Many prospective dog parents ask themselves the question: When do puppies start drinking water? This time coincides with the first intake of solid food. Puppies therefore drink for the first time at four to six weeks.

You can calculate the cost of veterinary treatment for your puppy by dog health insuranceget a refund from SantéVet.

Puppy food immediately after moving in

While the mother dog and the breeder are responsible for the care in the first few weeks, this task falls directly to you once the puppy has moved in. Therefore, make sure that you have enough food and feeding bowls available from day one .

Good to know : Dogs eat most safely with their heads down. The bowl should therefore be on the floor.

For the first few days, you will be given food from the breeder to take home. This is important so that the dog does not have to get used to anything new. In fact, puppies’ digestive systems often react very sensitively to a change. For this reason, many dog ​​owners tend to continue feeding the breeder’s food. So find out which brand and which mixture the dog already knows.

Dry food or wet food for puppies?

Most dog parents decide to feed either dry or wet food. Just as for adult animals, there is a wide selection for puppies. The dry food for young dogs is characterized by smaller croquettes that can be easily absorbed by puppies. Whether you choose dry food or wet foodIt is up to you to decide. Below you will find an overview of the important advantages. Advantages of dry food:

  • Easy to store
  • Firm consistency, which scrapes off plaque when chewing
  • Long shelf life , even if the bag is opened
  • Available in many varieties
  • Effortlessly portionable

Advantages of wet food:

  • Wet food contains water, the dog needs to drink less additionally
  • Small cans available especially for puppies
  • High acceptance
  • Long shelf life in the can

Of course, it is also possible to feed dry food and wet food in combination. Just make sure that your puppy ultimately receives sufficient nutrients.

BARFing for puppies: What is it?

A second option is to feed puppies with fresh meat, bones and vegetables . The so-called BARFing for dogscomes from the Anglo-Saxon world and is mainly used in adult animals. In principle, you can also feed young dogs this way. However, this requires intensive study of the topic. As the owner, you must ensure that the puppy gets all the nutrients and trace elements in the right proportions . BARFing is therefore not recommended for beginners.

What do puppies eat when they are teething?

A special feature of the development is the teething in puppies. During this time, the animal generally has the same nutritional needs as usual. For example, sufficient calcium is important for tooth growth . However, some puppies are in pain because of their erupting teeth, so they have little appetite. In these cases, it is helpful to soak the dry food .

How do you change your puppy’s food?

Do you want to change your puppy’s food, for example because you want to feed it a different brand than the breeder? In principle, this is not a problem, but you must not overtax the digestive system . So get your puppy used to the new food slowly by mixing it in small amounts with the old food at first.

Over time, increase the proportion until you have completely changed the food .

Tip :
Not every dog ​​tolerates every food. Diarrhea or skin rashes are signs of intolerance. Always discuss such symptoms with your vet.

When and how often to feed puppies?

In addition to the question of what puppies eat, it is important to know when is the best time to feed your four-legged friend. Please note that the recommended feeding times change with age. At the beginning, i.e. in the first few weeks, the puppy needs about five to six meals a day . Divide the entire ration into the appropriate number of portions.

After three months, you can limit the meals to three per day. Only when the dog is six months old will two meals a day be enough. In terms of time, it is obvious that you should distribute the feedings evenly throughout the day . Many dog ​​owners feed less food in the evening to avoid the nighttime urge.

It is important that your puppy always eats at approximately the same time . This allows the digestive system to adjust to the food intake.

Good to know

Puppies that eat too quickly can get hiccups. Eating and drinking too quickly can also cause gurgling noises. For more information about hiccups in puppies.

How much puppy food is right?

The daily amount of food your puppy needs to grow depends on its age , breed, expected final weight and activity level. In addition, every food is different in terms of nutrient density. Consequently, no general recommendation can be made. The best way to find out how much food your puppy should get is to read the feeding recommendations on the puppy food packaging.

The information provided by the manufacturers is also only a recommendation . Some animals metabolize more and need slightly larger portions. Basically, your animal should grow healthily and be neither too fat nor too thin. For example, in most breeds, it is a sign of nutritional deficiency if the ribs are clearly visible. On the other hand, a pronounced belly with a barely visible waist indicates too much food.

Transition to food for adult dogs

Puppy food has a special composition, for example it contains a high calcium content. It is also more energy-dense than normal dog food . While this is essential for healthy growth, it can cause health problems in adult dogs.

Over time, it is therefore necessary to change the puppy’s diet to that of normal adult food . The right time to do this depends on the breed and the food. In general, the change can be made earlier for small breeds than for large breeds. Guidelines for the time to change are given on the packaging.

When changing feed , you should first mix the two types of feed and gradually increase the proportion of feed for adult animals .

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