History of Russian Dogs
The Bolonka Zwetna comes from Russia. For a long time it was only bred and kept in its country of origin and in the countries that later became part of the Soviet Union. The Russian breed has not yet been recognized by the international umbrella organization FCI . The “Russian Kennel Federation” (RKF) is responsible for maintaining the breed standard and has assigned the Bolonka Zwetna to FCI Group 9. Since February 2011 it has been recognized as an independent dog breed in various national associations, such as the Association for German Dogs (VDH).
The targeted breeding of the Bolonka Tsvetna began in the 1950s with the desire for a national dwarf dog breed . After the Second World War, interest in small dogs grew. Under the Soviet regime, it was difficult to buy dogs from abroad. Therefore, friends of small and dwarf dogs had to limit themselves to the breeds available in Russia.
The ancestors of the Bolonka Zwetna were the white Bolonka Franzuskas , which were loyal companions of high society as early as the early 18th century. The Bolonka Franzuska (translated as “French lapdog”) probably came to the country due to the close contacts between the French and Russian nobility. Legend has it that King Louis IV sent the small white dog as a gift to the Russian tsarina. The breed subsequently became known as a popular gift for the ladies of the court. It is assumed that other dogs of the Bolonka Franzuska type found their way to Russia with Napoleon.
The two world wars decimated the population. That is why Bolonka Franzuska and other small breeds were used for breeding again in the 1950s. The Bolonka Zwetna was finally bred by crossing with breeds such as Pekingese, Shih Tzu, Bolognese and Lhasa Apso. The Bolonka Zwetna differs from its ancestors mainly in its colored coat, which today comes in all variations and combinations except pure white. The first dogs only came to Germany in the 1980s.
Appearance of the Bolonka Zwetna: small silky companions
If you were to describe the appearance of a Bolonka Zwetna in one word, you would probably say: cute. Several characteristics contribute to this:
- Long, wavy and silky coat
- Medium-sized, drooping ears that make the head appear larger
- Dark button eyes that give a cute look
- Pronounced mustache and goatee
The dog’s body is small and delicate . The shoulder height of females is around 23 centimeters, while males reach 25 centimeters. This makes the Bolonka Zwetna one of the small breeds. The weight is correspondingly low at 2 to 4 kilograms. Another characteristic feature is the curly tail.
coat color of the colorful lap dogs
As the name suggests, the dogs are colorful. On the one hand, this refers to the individual animal: the coat is often multi-colored. There is also a great deal of variety within the breed. Bolonka Zwetna puppies are born with all colors except white and spotted. The dense coat has large curls and a well-developed undercoat.
Good to know :
Even though the Bolonka Zwetna has long fur, the dogs hardly shed any hair. This makes the breed suitable for some allergy sufferers. The sofa also stays relatively clean.
Character: a loyal family dog
Due to their character, the breed is particularly recommended for families . There are various reasons for this. First of all, the animals are very affectionate, they always seek proximity to people and are friendly towards them.
The dogs are also very loyal and like to adapt to the given daily routine. However, this also means that the animals do not like to be alone. It is important for the animals to have a lot of family contact. Being alone is not for them. Although they are often seen as lap dogs, the dogs have a strong need for exercise .
They are considered lively and energetic, which is reflected in their high level of stamina when playing and romping. The Bolonka Zwetna is open to other animals and gets along with dogs as well as cats and rodents – provided they are socialized slowly.
In terms of training, representatives of the breed are considered to be docile . Their urge to discover the world makes it easier for the owner to teach their animal something. Despite their friendly nature, owners should ensure that they are trained consistently . Otherwise, even the calmest Bolonka Zwetna can become an unused bundle of energy.
Is the Bolonka Zwetna a dog for beginners?
The animals require a lot of attention, but not necessarily very experienced owners. If you are a beginner and are willing to go to dog school and have enough time for the little bundles of energy, there is nothing stopping you from getting one.
Can also be kept in a city apartment
The small dogs don’t need much space and don’t need a large garden. The animals are therefore often kept by families in the city. Since their fur hardly sheds, the dog is even a companion on the sofa in many households.
However, the Bolonka Zwetna is unhappy without long trips outside. To satisfy the animal’s need for exercise, owners should regularly take their dog on long walks. Running alongside a bicycle is less advisable due to its small size.
There are various dog sports available for this. The Bolonka Zwetna, for example, likes to play with a stick, although it is not actually a hunting dog that has retrieving in its blood. There is also a special form of agilitywhich is tailored to small breeds.
In addition to exercise, dogs love to cuddle with people. Owners should definitely allow their animals this closeness, otherwise they will suffer. If you are not at home as often, you can get a second dog so that the animals can socialize.
Regarding theNutritionIt is important to adjust the daily ration to the activity level of the animals . If they are fed too much food on a long-term basis, they risk becoming overweight. On the other hand, light dogs have little reserves.
Buy your puppy from the breeder
It is important that the dogs come from a reputable breeder. This breeder will not only ensure that the dog parents do not pass on any diseases. He will also ensure that the socializationthe puppies. Contact with siblings, mother and people is important so that the friendly nature of the little dogs can also come to the fore.
In addition, a professional breeder will ensure that you are able to take on a puppy. Even though the Bolonka Zwetna is not a particularly difficult dog, the future owners should meet certain requirements. The breeders are real specialists and will certainly have a few tips and tricks for you to make the start in the new home easier.
Not recognized :
The Bolonka Zwetna is not yet a separate breed for the FCI . Nevertheless, the small dogs are frequently bred – not only in Russia.
Health of the Bolonka Zwetna
There are currently no known diseases specific to the Bolonka Zwetna breed. The small and lively dogs are considered robust anyway . Anyone who wants to get a puppy should still be aware of certain hereditary diseases that can arise as a result of breeding.
Hip dysplasia is particularly important here. This is a disease of the joints that can, in the worst case, lead to lameness. There is no chance of a cure, but there are various therapies to relieve the pain. The first symptoms often appear before the Bolonka Zwetna is fully grown, for example a waddling gait. There are various types of food that protect the joints with certain ingredients.
You can cover the costs of medical treatment for your dog with thedog health insurancesimply get a refund from Santévet.
Patella luxation is also occasionally observed in Bolonka Zwetna. This disease can also be avoided through responsible breeding . It is a disease of the kneecap, which can be displaced in affected dogs.
Life expectancy: How old does the Russian dog breed get?
Otherwise, the representatives of the Bolonka Zwetna are just as susceptible to typical dog diseases as other breeds.vaccinations for dogsare therefore recommended. Then the animals reach an average old age: the Bolonka Zwetna life expectancy is around 15 years, older animals are also known.
Care of the Bolonka Zwetna
Every pet needs time and care. Bolonka Zwetnas are relatively easy to care for in this regard. Like all long-haired dogs, they need some help with grooming.
Grooming also includes social contact , which the little dogs absolutely crave. Cuddles are therefore just as essential as using a brush. Otherwise, the animals of this breed are grateful and do not have any special requirements.
To properly care for the Bolonka Zwetna, special attention must be paid to the coat . The long, wavy hair has a tendency to mat. In addition, dirt and dust collect in the coat. Owners should therefore brush their animal regularly, several times a week depending on how it is kept.
Owners should also check the ears from time to time, as parasites such as ear mites sometimes nest there. They can be recognized by a mostly reddish coating in the ears. Affected animals also scratch themselves frequently. Treatment usually requires the use of medication, so ear hygiene as a preventative measure is important.