
Strong dog with a broad head: appearance of the Labrador

The Labrador was specifically bred by hunters in Great Britain, but its ancestors come from Newfoundland in Canada. The dogs aroused interest through their strong retrieving instinct, which they used to support fishermen. The dogs’ origins in the harsh climate and hunting are still evident today.

The Labrador has a strong body with a broad head. The short, dense fur gives the animals an additional athletic appearance. A special feature is the thick tail that tapers towards the top. Because of its similarity to the marten, breeders also call it an otter tail .

In terms of size, the Labrador reaches a shoulder height of 54 cm to 57 cm when fully grown, although individual animals may vary and males are slightly larger than females. The former are significantly heavier at 32-35 kilograms than the females, who weigh 27-30 kilograms.

Did you know?

The Labrador’s coat is often characterized by a special shine. This is due to a natural film of fat that the coat is covered with. This also ensures that the animals can swim particularly well, as the sebum makes the hair water-repellent.

When it comes to color, Labradors are a little less versatile than other breeds; they come in black, beige and fox red. The brown coloring, the so-called chocolate Labrador , is particularly popular . The eyes are usually brown.

Did you know?

There is the so-called Labrador show line and a working line. The latter is a little smaller, more agile and more docile, the former is considered stronger.

Friendly to everyone: That is the nature of the Labrador

Labbi, Schlabbi and co. – the many nicknames show that the dog is particularly popular with families . The reason for this is the animals’ extremely friendly and peace-loving nature. The dogs also get along particularly well with children.

No watchdog:

Anyone who wants to buy a Labrador should remember that these animals are actually friendly towards everyone – even strangers, if in doubt. Labs are therefore not suitable as guard dogs – which is also stated in the breed standard.

Since the Labrador was originally bred as a retrieving dog for hunting, it still likes to be active today . For example, it enjoys playful retrieving training. Otherwise, the animals are said to have a calm character, which can also mean that the walk takes a little longer than with another dog.

In the literature, there are also reports of a pronounced ” will to please ” – that is, the desire to please people. Dogs with this trait are considered to be particularly docile . For this reason, Labradors are often referred to as guide dogs used.

However, anyone who gets a Labrador should not assume that this character trait is necessarily present. 

Good to know : Labradors are not considered aggressive. Protective instincts and sharpness are among the undesirable characteristics.

Attitude: This is where the Labrador likes to be at home

Labradors love being part of the family and are happy to fit in. They are therefore also considered to be ideal dogs for beginners . However, you should bear in mind their strong build: a Labrador will not approach people or other animals aggressively, but will certainly do so out of joy at the new contact.

Like other breeds, he therefore needs consistent training and, if necessary, a strong hand that can hold the dog. As mentioned, the Labrador wants activity. His joy in retrieving can be seen, for example, indummy gameOtherwise, the animals are very uncomplicated and do not have any special requirements.

By the way: Labradors are good swimmers and love water. If you have a lake or a safe river nearby, you should definitely offer your pet a trip to the water every now and then. A distinction is sometimes made between the show and working lines, as the latter is more active. However, in terms of keeping, the animals of the Labrador show line also have a desire for activity.

Health and Diseases in Labradors

The Labrador is considered a healthy and vital dog. However, there are also some diseases that owners should be aware of. Veterinarians occasionally report problems with the musculoskeletal system . These include hip dysplasia and osteochondrosis in Labradors.

You can cover the costs of medical treatment for your dog with thedog health insurance simply get a refund from SantéVet.

The former is a chronic disease that affects the hip joints. There is dysplasia (deviation) between the femoral head and the hip socket, which do not fit together perfectly. Osteochondrosis is a disorder of cartilage formation in dogs. It can lead to lameness and should always be treated.

Otherwise, Labradors can get diseases like all other dogs, such as distemper . There are vaccines against many pathogens that can be given to Labrador puppies from the 12th week onwards.

Be careful in summer :

If you play with your Labrador outdoors in the summer, you should watch out for parasites. A dog playing in tall grass can easily catch ticks. Prophylaxis is advisable after consulting your vet.

In terms of age, most breeders estimate that Labradors have a life expectancy of 10 to 12 years. However, there are also animals that live much longer. With good breeding choices, good care, regular health checks, good nutrition and enough exercise, with a little luck you can have even more time with your animal!

Proper care for a Labrador

Grooming a Labrador is not really difficult, but there is one important thing to keep in mind: the dogs shed hair all year round. Owners should therefore brush their dogs about once a week to keep the thick coat under control.

Labrador owners should also pay attention to the correct portion size of meals . The appropriate feeding recommendations indicate how many grams of dry or wet food are appropriate. The problem is that Labradors have a good appetite and, if in doubt, eat more nutrients than they actually need. The result is excess weight , which can affect the joints and the entire organism. If in doubt, dog owners can switch to light food.

Can you keep a Labrador in your apartment?

Of course, you can keep a Labrador in an apartment – with the right conditions and measures, it works very well. This includes the dog being well socialized. It is important that you offer the dog an active life and allow him to get enough exercise . 

A Labrador Retriever needs a lot of exercise . It is especially great for your four-legged friend if he can romp around outside without a leash from time to time. The basic requirement for this is, of course, that the animal has been trained accordingly and responds to calls and comes back. Perhaps there is a dog park near you where this is possible. He will certainly be delighted with an off-leash area for dogs – especially if he can play with other dogs there.

Why the apartment should not be too small even for a mini Labrador

Labradors are animals that need a lot of affection. If you regularly leave them alone in the apartment for hours, it is definitely not good for the dog. As with all large dog breeds, there should be enough space for the animal  in the apartment .

A very small studio apartment or one-bedroom apartment may not be the ideal environment for a Labrador — you’re better off with a smaller dog. 

Make sure that you allow your Labrador to play and have fun inside your home . Ideally, you should give him his own area where he has his toys , which he can play with even when you don’t have time for him.

What speaks against a Labrador? 

There are a few things that might speak against adopting a Labrador.

  • Labrador Retrievers need a lot of exercise and are very playful . If you can’t give your dog this, you might want to decide against getting a Labrador.
  • Labrador Retrievers need a lot of activity and variety — otherwise they quickly become bored and unhappy or unpleasant.
  • Labrador Retrievers need a lot of attention and closeness . For people who are very busy and do not have enough time to take care of their four-legged friend, this could become a problem.
  • A Labrador’s coat requires a lot of care — you need to invest enough time in it .
  • If Labradors are not sufficiently socialized, life in an apartment with them can become very chaotic.
  • Labradors can be quite loud – especially when they are bored. Loud yapping, barking and howling can be annoying not only for you – but especially for your neighbors.
  • Need for space : As mentioned, it is certainly possible to keep Labrador Retrievers in an apartment. However, the apartment should definitely be of a certain size – because Labrador Retrievers do need space. If it is too cramped, the animal can become restless, unbalanced and nervous.

How much does a Labrador cost per month?

The monthly costs for a Labrador are made up of several factors. These include dog tax, food, veterinary costs, accessories/toys and insurance. 

You should budget around 20 to 40 euros for food , assuming that the Labrador needs around 300 to 350 grams of dry food. In addition, there is the dog tax, which is on average between 5 and 15 euros. 

You should budget between 5 and 15 euros per month for the dog liability insurance, which is mandatory in Germany . If you add in regular vet visits (check-ups, deworming treatments, etc.) and dog training, you can expect monthly costs of between 50 and 150 euros for your Labrador.

How much do Labrador puppies cost?

Anyone who wants to bring a Labrador puppy home must expect to pay between 1,000 and 1,600 euros.

What types of Labrador Retrievers are there?

  1. Yellow Labrador Retriever : The most common color for Labrador Retrievers. The range of colors goes from light yellow to a deeper shade of gold.
  2. Black Labrador Retrievers . This color is also often seen, its coat color can vary from a shiny, deep black to darker shades of gray.
  3. Brown Labrador (also called Chocolate Labrador): This is also a real eye-catcher, but it is less common. In terms of color, the range goes from light coffee brown to dark chocolate brown, which is almost black.

There is also a fourth type, the silver Labrador . This coat color is not officially recognized and comes from targeted breeding. In order to breed the silver tone, the so-called dilute gene is crossed in. This gene dilutes the coat color. Silver Labradors actually have brown fur – but the pigmentation is prevented by the dilute gene and therefore appears gray.

Labrador Retriever Breed: Conclusion

Labrador Retrievers are great dogs. They are playful, active, very social and wonderful family members! You don’t necessarily need a big house with a garden to keep them properly – but don’t forget that a Labrador is a hunting dog and needs a lot of physical activity and variety.

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