Origin of the Belgian Shepherd Dog
The Belgian Shepherd Dog comes – as you might have guessed – from Belgium. The breed has only been bred according to a uniform standard since the end of the 19th century, and it was recognized in 1901.
The breed itself is, however, much older. Shepherd dogs have been in use for centuries, and not only as loyal helpers to the shepherd. They also fulfilled many other tasks, for example as guard dogs and as draft dogs.
Such tasks were not only carried out in Belgium, but also in neighboring countries such as Germany. As a result, there were German shepherd dogs everywhere, and for a long time they were considered uniform. In the past, breeders were not concerned with a particular appearance, but with breeding an ideal working dog .
Since the requirements in each region differed, sheepdogs with slightly different types naturally developed. Breeding in Belgium, for example, concentrated on agile, slender animals . They are perfectly adapted to the terrain of their homeland and are also known as Belgian sheepdogs.
From the observation of the animals in Belgium, which are all very similar but show different colours, a division into four varieties was made :
- Tervueren
- Groenendael
- Laeken
- Malinois
External characteristics of the Belgian Shepherd Dogs
Belgian Shepherds are similar in appearance to theirGerman relatives. Overall, they are very athletic and at the same time slim and agile . The breed standard specifies the size as around 62 cm for males and 58 cm for females. Deviations of 2 cm to 4 cm are possible. The weight should be between 25 and 30 kg when the dogs are fully grown.
A special feature of the Belgian Shepherd Dogs is their square profile : the height should be approximately equal to the length. The head is not included in the measurement, but only up to the withers. Because the dogs carry their heads upwards, they appear somewhat larger than the height from the breed standard would suggest.
The four varieties differ from each other in terms of coat and color:
- Tervueren: reddish brown with long hair, especially in the chest and neck area
- Groenendael: solid black, sometimes with soft markings
- Laeken: rough-haired coat in grey, yellow and brown
- Malinois: yellow-brown short coat with black mask
The Malinois is the best known and is usually identified as a German shepherd dog. In principle, all varieties can be bred with each other . The mixes used to be called “different colors”. Many breeders and clubs now do not want to mix genes, even though it would be beneficial for the health of the animals.
character of the Belgian Shepherd Dog
German Shepherds have a distinctive character, which has developed over a long period of time in which the animals were not only man’s best friend, but also his best helper.
Belgian Shepherd Dogs need to be kept busy, such as through dog sports.
Their training as a working dog is unmistakable in their nature . They love to take on tasks. This does not always have to be herding sheep or driving cattle. These faithful, loyal and hardworking animals are also in great demand as service dogs.
An ideal Belgian Shepherd Dog should also have a strong character . This means that the dog should not be aggressive or nervous. It should be noted here that there was a split into a working and a show line. The former is used in many different ways as a working animal, for example as a BelgianGerman Shepherd at the PoliceThe show line may be different in terms of temperament, as the focus of breeding here was on appearance.
Another thing to mention is the dogs’ high level of intelligence . This is evident every day and means that the dog wants to be challenged.
Keeping a Belgian Shepherd Dog
Keeping them varies between uncomplicated and demanding. Uncomplicated is the case with regard to the demands on the apartment: the animals are easy to please and are happy as long as they have contact with their owners.
However, it is a challenge to keep a Malinois properly occupied . These working animals are used to completing a task. They don’t like just lying on the sofa. If they are not adequately challenged, they can even develop behavioral problems .
When the Belgian Shepherd is not doing his duty as a service dog, dog sports such as agilityto challenge the animal. Training German Shepherds is generally very straightforward – but not a sure-fire success. Owners should spend a lot of time with the animal, then they will have a steady, calm and loyal dog at their side.
Long development:
While Malinois training should definitely begin with puppies, the dogs are not fully mature until they are about three years old.
If you want to buy a Belgian Shepherd, you will find numerous offers from breeders. In addition to choosing a color, there is a show line and a working line . The former has slightly lower demands on exercise, but buyers should make sure that the animals are not overbred for appearance. The price for a puppy depends greatly on the breeder. It is usually in the range of 1,000 euros to 2,500 euros.
Health of Belgian Shepherd Dogs
In terms of health, German Shepherds are generally robust . There are no specific diseases typical of the breed. However, there are reports that Malinois have problems with nervousness. These are due to one-sided breeding. An animal from a reputable breeder, on the other hand, should be robust and resilient. This is also shown by the life expectancy of 12 to 16 years.
With thedog health insuranceWith SantéVet you can protect the health of your Belgian Shepherd Dog and get up to €5,000 of your veterinary costs reimbursed each year.
Grooming a Belgian Shepherd is uncomplicated. The coat can be combed effortlessly, which is advisable about once or twice a week.